How I Lost It! - by Maisie Crossland

How I Lost It!

I’d had a fantastic holiday with my mates in India Last year, but when l saw — the photos, I was shocked at just how awful I looked! I’m quite short and the extra weight really didn’t suit me at all!

A friend recommended Proto-col Thermo-slim+, a new type of tablet that’s supposed to speed up your metabolism, so I decided to give it a go. And, wow, it worked for me!

I had two tablets with my breakfast and one in the afternoon and they gave me so much energy!
I simply didn’t feel as hungry any more.

I haven’t drastically changed my eating habits, but I do eat a lot less than I used to, and because I’m so much busier and more active, I’ve lost over 4st in the past five months.

The best thing is shopping. I used to hate buying clothes, but now I love trying on new things as everything fits me!

Maisie Crossland, 21, North London

IT WORKED for me
Maisie says,
‘This taught me to eat less and also less often. For me it was all about portion size.’